Weather Cancellations
While we always strive to carry out our Club’s activities as scheduled, the safety of our members is our overriding consideration. In the event of inclement weather conditions that could jeopardize the safety of our members if they attempted to attend a scheduled Club activity, the following guidance for determining whether the activity should be canceled should be followed to the extent practicable:
If the activity is not cancelled, no notice will be e-mailed or published, and it should be assumed that barring any unforeseen circumstances, the activity will take place as scheduled.
- The individual responsible for the activity should consult with one or more geographically-separated Club members to assess the extent of the inclement conditions to determine whether a significant number of members’ safety could be jeopardized if they attempted to attend the event.
- If it is determined that the extent of the inclement conditions is widespread, the individual responsible for the activity should contact the Club’s President, Vice- President, or other Board Member, advise them of their assessment, and recommend that a cancellation notice be issued to all Club members.
- If the individual responsible for the activity and the board member agree that the activity should be cancelled:
- 9:00 p.m. the night before the activity for activities scheduled for the next morning, e.g., Discussion Group.
- 3:00 p.m. the day of the activity for activities scheduled that evening, e.g., Competition, Board and General meetings;
If the activity is not cancelled, no notice will be e-mailed or published, and it should be assumed that barring any unforeseen circumstances, the activity will take place as scheduled.