Meet Ups
Meet ups give TACC members an opportunity to shoot in various venues with other club members, providing an opportunity for learning and camaraderie. Members are encouraged to suggest a meet up location and time, and share a favorite or new location or type of photography with fellow members.
The TACC is pleased to support its membership with the email broadcasting of invitations to member initiated meet ups. Please be aware that an email broadcast does not imply that the meet up is a TACC sponsored event. Members who chose to attend meet ups do so at their own risk. To suggest a meet up and initiate an email broadcast, contact our Meet Up Coordinator with the information and the coordinator will send out the email to members. Sometimes dependent on the weather, bloom times, or other timeliness issues, there may not always be a lot of prior notice, but please give as much advance notice as possible.
The TACC is pleased to support its membership with the email broadcasting of invitations to member initiated meet ups. Please be aware that an email broadcast does not imply that the meet up is a TACC sponsored event. Members who chose to attend meet ups do so at their own risk. To suggest a meet up and initiate an email broadcast, contact our Meet Up Coordinator with the information and the coordinator will send out the email to members. Sometimes dependent on the weather, bloom times, or other timeliness issues, there may not always be a lot of prior notice, but please give as much advance notice as possible.